Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Skin Care Routine, What Worked for Me!

My Skin Care Routine

What Worked for Me!


Hands down Bare Escentuals has THE best skin care products I have ever tried! I have gone to the store and tried every single skin care product known to man, including Proactive which is not sold in stores.
Now first I have to mention that NOT ALL skin types are alike.

What works for me may not work for you, or what products worked for you obviously did not work for me.

I do notice that Bare Escentuals skin care products gets a lot of great reviews. So If you did want to give it a try I always suggest buying a kit, you can find on their website many skin care kits, and pick one that works best for you!
First off I always had horrible acne and very oily skin! I started my path the clear, beautiful skin by meeting with a family doctor and being perscribed Doxycyline (which is an antibiotic - it fights bacteria deep within the skin). I truly believe that Doxycyline, which I used for only 3 months, was the first step in clearing my skin. Soon as I got my skin completly cleared out and all the bacteria from deep within my skin was cleared out too. After that getting regular facials and using the best skin care products is what kept my skin so clear and healthy looking.
I went to Luminous Skinn here in Ft. Collins and met the lovely Connie and Lindsay. Both have treated my face. I started getting Microdermabrasion treatments, about 4 total. Microdermabrasion is a non surgical procedure which gently removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells to reveal the beautiful, healthy skin layers underneath. By removing this layer, skin looks younger and newer skin is stimulated to produce more collagen and elastin, two elements of healthy skin. Regular treatments of microdermabrasion have reduced the appearance of brown spots, shallow scars from acne, hyperpigmentation (melasma), sun-damaged skin, dull skin, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven skin tone and texture.

On top of the Doxycyline and Microdermabrasions I also used Bare Escentuals products, which was actually introduced to me by the lovely ladies at Luminous Skinn. I use the Bare Minerals Matte Foundation, Purifying Facial cleanser at night and foaming facial cleanser in the morning. As well as the Bare Minerals moisturizer, Pure Transformation Night Treatment and Renew and Hydrate Eye Cream.
The Matte Foundation contains Active Soil Complex, which is also in all of the skin care products. Active Soil Complex increases cell turn over, decreases the size of pores and fine lines, and puts antioxidants back into your skin.
I have recently tried the Adult Acne Kit by Md Formulations, which you can also find on the Bare Escentuals website. That kit was PERFECT for clear, healthy skin. It was also a little more expensive. If I could afford to I would use that Md Formulations every day, I like to get this kit a few times a year to give my skin care regimine a jump start.
Also what you put into your body plays a huge factor! I no longer eat fast foods like I used to or processed foods like I used to. I don't drink a lot of soda like I used to and I still workout, everyday if I can! Taking care of your body, by watching what you eat, excercising, and drinking plenty of water will improve your skin. If I still ate all those unhealthy foods my skin would take a turn for the worst, no matter my efforts of buying nice products to treat it!

This is my exact skin routine and process that it took me from going to horrbile acne covered, painful, skin to beautiful clear skin. This is what worked for me!

Now I still have left over scarring from when I had such horrible acne. I take care of that by going back to Luminous Skinn and getting Chemical Peels. I do not reccomend this for younger women. I am in my late twenties and these Chemical Peels are some hardcore stuff! They have definatly helped improve the scars in my skin, as well as fine lines. You have to be very careful with Chemical Peels because it litteraly burns off the top layer of skin revealing the beautiful new layer underneath. Which looks illuminated, but also very sensitive to sun. So after getting a treatment don't go out in the sun for a few days!
I also plan to get my face lazered, here in the future, to help the rest of the deeper scars deminish in appearance.
I hope that my procedure helps you to fight your skin care needs. I know there are many adults out there who still suffer from acne or the scars left over from acne. You can get it fixed! You can have beautiful skin and confidence that follows. I sincerely hope what worked for me will also work for you!
Check out for their skin care bundles and Md Formulations products. And look up your local spa to get treatments and facials done. If you live near Ft Collins I highly recommend Luminous Skinn! Those ladies know their skin, and if it wasn't for them I would still have the worst looking face in history of mankind! Good thing I have such an awesome personality to make up for it!
My name is Julie DeLuna. I am an actress, wife, mommy and your new best friend! I enjoy making videos, fitness, family, make-up, food, being happy, successful, personal development, whatever the heck I like and blogging about it! I also enjoy making people laugh! Hey, life is meant for laughing, loving and living! Check out my Facebook fan page or follow me on Twitter! Because I’m awesome! J Read more of my blogs, click here !

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